Tumblr SEO Optimization Tips

Chamal P. Rathnayaka
3 min readNov 29, 2014

I have seen many bloggers say that you cannot optimize Tumblr blogs for search engines. In other words, YOU can’t drive organic traffic to your Tumblr blog.

Well, even it’s true that Tumblr are lack of SEO facilities/tools, actually you don’t need to worry about Tumblr SEO.

You might know that On-page SEO or On-site SEO is what most influences to ranking of web pages on SERPs.

Yes, Backlinks are important too. But, anything can’t equate to content marketing.

As Neil Explained in this post, Content marketing is the SEO. So, you can actually increase your traffic using content marketing and properly optimizing your website for search engines.

Ok… Lets dive into our main topic, Tumblr SEO optimization.

I have written a massive guide on Tumblr SEO and published it on Pro Blog Tricks. You can read it clicking link below.

Tumblr SEO Optimization Techniques: The Complete Guide

Tumblr SEO Tips for Bloggers, Marketers and Photographers

I know millions of creative people like you use Tumblr to spread out your talent, words and share your knowledge. So, here are a few recommended SEO settings for Tumblr.

  1. Keyword Research

well, although you admit or not, Keyword research is very essential. If you don’t keyword research using top keyword research tools, you don’t know actually who are your target audience.

Here are a few tutorials for you to learn more about Keyword research:

2. website design

Before we talked about how to use website design for Tumblr SEO, answer this question.

what’s the last time you visited a website again which takes forever to load?

I think you too with my answer: No, I don’t remember…

So, if your website takes a lot time (yes, a lot time like one hour or one day), can you believe that people will read your post, hear what you say and buy what you recommend?


So, here’s the thing:

YOU should use a good, SEO optimized Tumblr theme for your blog.

How can you get a good Tumblr theme?

There are a few ways…

  • Buy pre-made Theme from Tumblr or Themeforest.
  • Hire a freelancer to design it.
  • Design it yourself.

I think you may not go with third option, if you are not a tech-savvy guy.

If you have a good budget, you can always go with second option which is hire a freelancer to design your own Tumblr theme.

The first option is buy Tumblr theme previously made for you. There are a lot of Tumblr theme in the Themeforest.

Importantly, you’d receive up-going updates and online free support.

Website design does not only influence to user experience (UI), but also for search engines. if your free Tumblr theme has a lot of codes (ex: Javascript) rather than text, search engines will regard your site as a spam website.

Here are two posts to optimize your Tumblr blog for search engines.

3. Image SEO Optimization

Tumblr is known for a good blogging platform for photographers. But, i have seen many Tumblr blogs have not ranked on Google higher for image searches.

Here’s a step by step guide written by me on Image SEO Techniques: How to Optimize Images for Better Organic Influence.

You’d be able to rank your images on #1 of Google and other search engines, if you followed the steps i mention in above post.

Trust me… It works really well…

4. Tumblr Custom Domain

Have noticed why sub-domains such as yourblog.tumblr.com doesn’t rank in the first page for competitive keywords?

It’s because search engines doesn't trust you.

So, chamal how do i build my website trust?

It’s simple. Follow these steps in this post to set up custom domain for your Tumblr blog and write quality content that people want to read and get the information they want.

These are only a few of Tumblr SEO optimization tips. If you want learn other ways to increase the SEO performance of your blog, read this ultimate guide on Tumbl SEO.

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